Friday, October 9, 2009

So You Want To Make Money On The Internet

Make Money From Your Blog

Making a blog is easy. Pick a blog host site, there's dozens even hundreds of them. To name a few, there's Blogspot, Wordpress, Blogster, Bravenet, Blog Ladder, Zommshare and many more. Or you can purchase your own domain for around $7-$12. However, I use Blogspot and I love it. All you have to do to is register with the site of your choice and bam, you have a blog. Yep, it's that easy.

Now, what you do with your blog is up to you. You may want a blog to share stories with friends and family. You can post pictures of you and your family on trips, holidays, blah blah blah, you know what I mean. If that's all your looking for, that's great.

Figure out what your goals are for your blog. Are you looking to earn a little extra cash on the side from your day job? or are you looking to quit your day job and work from home? The possibilities are endless is you put time into it.

However, if your looking to make an ongoing steady stream of income, I'm talking about thousands per month, you better be willing to work it baby. I don't know who ever came up with the theory that it's easy to run a blog and make a lot of money. When I was in college, my major was in journalism, everyone would joke around saying that after they graduated they would sleep half the day, sign on to their to make a post every now and then and earn a six figure income at it. And in some strange way, I think they believed it. And if anyone IS doing that, I want to see proof! No one has been able to prove me wrong yet. Here's a list of things to consider.

What are you planning on writing about? You'll want to write on an interesting subject and something that you're passionate about. If you don't write about something that interests you, it will show in your writing. Trust me. And that's the beauty of blogging, you get to write about things you love.

Find a niche you're passionate about and that will be engaging for your readers. The more unique the niche is, the better your blog will be. Be the best information source at your niche. If you write about how to run a successful business, be the best at it. Don't let someone dominate your niche. Make sure that everything you write is compelling and has the reader excitedly waiting for your next post. If you don't do this, your readers will go elsewhere. They will find more relevant information. Remember how many other blogs their on the Internet. Too many for me to count. They will find a better source of information if they need to. Read other blogs on your niche and see what their writing about. This way you'll know exactly what you need to write to make yours the best.


Using affiliate programs will bring you money. And money is good. There are a lot of good sites to choose from. Whenever I talk to someone about the these sites, the one they mention first is Google Adsense. Google Adsense is a good site to sign up with but there is a lot more of them floating around. And use sign up for as many as as you want. In fact, I highly reccomend that you sign up for all of them. They are absolutely free. Here is a list of reputable companies to sign up with.


Yes it is. It is critical to the success of your blog. You need to be out there on as many social networking sites that you can handle to promote your blog! So get to it and tell the world how interesting your blog is. Every time you make a post to your blog, let people know about it. Tell them why they should read your article. When you promote your blog be excited about it. Let that excitement show through your writing. And did I say to sign up for as many as you can? Yeah, right, I did say that. I can't stress upon you how important this is. IT'S IMPORTANT!

These are the sites I like to use.
For a huge list of social networking sites visit this link from Wikipedia

The affiliate programs that are available can make you a lot of money. But if you think it's as easy as creating a blog, sticking adsense on it and sitting back sipping a coffee all day while the checks role in, you're gravely wrong. It takes hard work. You need to constantly be promoting your blogs using social media, telling family and friends, handing out business cards and anything else you can think of. Now that you have this information don't wait any longer. Your success relies on you.

Good luck to everyone!


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